ERSAI it is Ethics, transparency, fairness, professionalism.
Jack-up Drilling Rig Caspian Explorer Drilling Rig Barge Conversion of Castoro 16 BargeERSAI is one of the leading organizations in the western region of Kazakhstan with s a fully equipped and automated fabrication yard, a sea berth, a wide range of lifting equipment and qualified technical personnel.
ERSAI is cimmitted to maximising and optimazing local content and to facilitating the transfer of knowledge and the development of professional competencies for the creation of job opportunities, the development of entrepreneurial skills and the growth of local human capital.
ERSAI company is seeking to operate in a sustainable manner means to create value for stakeholders and to use resources in such a way that the needs of future generations are not compromised.All of this must be achieved while respecting people, the environment and society as a whole.
tough projects in safe hands
Republic of Kazakhstan, 050010, Almaty, Kazybek bi str. 41, Park Palace
Tel: +7 7272 508 251/52 (3000)
Republic of Kazakhstan, 130000, Aktau, Mangystau Region, 17 microdistrict, Building «22», Business Center «Urban»
Republic of Kazakhstan, 130300, Mangystau Region, Karakiya District, Kuryk village, ERSAI Caspian Yard, «Peschanyi» Cape
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