ERSAI it is Ethics, transparency, fairness, professionalism.
Jack-up Drilling Rig Caspian Explorer Drilling Rig Barge Conversion of Castoro 16 BargeERSAI is one of the leading organizations in the western region of Kazakhstan with s a fully equipped and automated fabrication yard, a sea berth, a wide range of lifting equipment and qualified technical personnel.
ERSAI is cimmitted to maximising and optimazing local content and to facilitating the transfer of knowledge and the development of professional competencies for the creation of job opportunities, the development of entrepreneurial skills and the growth of local human capital.
ERSAI company is seeking to operate in a sustainable manner means to create value for stakeholders and to use resources in such a way that the needs of future generations are not compromised.All of this must be achieved while respecting people, the environment and society as a whole.
On October 19, 2018 within the framework of the sports support project in Kuryk, ERSAI company installed the street workout. The street workout meets modern standards, which allows doing various types of exercises.
Repair of 10 residential buildings in the village of Kuryk is completed. Paint work and installation of the frame houses.
The official opening of the fish store "Altyn Balyk" of Kuryk village was held within the framework of the project "Development of entrepreneurial potential in Kuryk village". The owner of the store, individual entrepreneur Duisenbai Tolepbergen, is the winner for the contest of the best business ideas among the residents of Kuryk village for 2018. Within the framework of the project, a series of trainings on increasing financial literacy and the basics of business planning was held. As a result of this year's competition, ideas for the production of gypsum and children's toys from wood were also supported.
In the framework of the “Road to School” campaign, 50 schoolchildren received necessary school accessories by the partner of ERSAI - General Welders LLP.
ERSAI subcontractor — Rigmarin company presented gifts for 50 children of Kuryk village on children's day and repaired the boiler room of the Kuryk tuberculosis kindergarten.
With the financial support of ERSAI, Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia carried out skills development trainings for psychologists within the framework of the "Learning Together!" project. The training took place in Kuryk village during the period of May 14-19th of 2018 and consisted of 10 modules. Participants passed a final exam in order to obtain the diploma confirming completion of the 210-hour long course. The training was conducted by Genesis Verae Psychotechnology Center. As a result, there are currently seven skilled psychologists working at the village of Kuryk who can provide professional psychological assistance to children, adolescents and adults.
On 12-16 May, 2018 a series of master classes on most demanding fields like cooking, makeup and hairstyles, needlework, as well as internet marketing were carried out in Kuryk village. The master classes were conducted within the framework of the project "Entrepreneurship potential development in Kuryk" by Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia with the financial support of ERSAI Company.
On the 10th of April 2018 the Craft Fair was organized on the territory of the ERSAI Base. This event is carried within the Entrepreneurship Development Program, implemented by ERSAI and the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia in Kuryk village. The craft fair allows craftswomen who have been trained on embroidery, felting, to establish sales channels and receive income from their products, as well as to acquaint buyers with Kazakh culture, since most of them are foreigners.
The opening ceremony of children ward of Kuryk central hospital, cosmetically repaired by ERSAI company was held on 10th of April, 2018 in Kuryk village. New comfortable furniture was purchased and hospital corridor walls were decorated with fantastic fairy tale hero characters. Positive emotions will help children to adapt a new environment and get well.
You can see the opening ceremony in this video. 300 houseplants were purchased and given to Kuryk schools.
Two new facilities were opened for children with special needs – Psychological and Pedagogical Service Center for children with developmental peculiarities in Aktau and the first children’s inclusive street playground in Kuryk village of the Karakiyan district.
The project was implemented by Dara Fund with support of ERSAI Caspian Contractor LLC, Jandig-S LLP, Kazpromdiagnostika LLP, Sitek Caspian LLP, and Centrasia Trade LLP.
On February 7, 2018, as part of the project "Growing Together" in Aktau, the Montessori Study Office in the Mangistau Humanities College opened for work. The official opening ceremony was attended by representatives of ERSAI, Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia, as well as the Education Department of the Mangistau region. The office will become an innovative space for college students to practice the Montessori method. A full-fledged Montessori environment with five zones (Exercises of practical life, sensory, language zone, space education and mathematics) was created here.
Such a space will allow the college to produce students with a notion of and practical skills in Montessori methodology, which is one of the most effective methodologies for the development of pre-school children."This office is fully equipped with all the necessary equipment and materials in all five areas of the Montessori methodology. Now we are getting acquainted with them and learning how to work. All of the knowledge we received earlier, we can now fully practice in our college," says Gulsaya Otegulova, a student at Mangistau Humanities College.
Shergala Security company purchased 160 new year gifts for children of Kuryk village.
More than 240 trees were planted at all Kuryk schools under environmental campaign.
In the framework of the “Road to School” campaign, Ersai provided school stationaries to 87 school children.
Various gifts were given to 40 children on the 1st of June on Children Protection Day with the support of Ligabue and VB Beles subcontractors
With the support of General Welders LLP, the school in Yeraliyev station was equipped with sports equipment.
ERSAI’s subcontractor Interstroy LLC has conducted repair works with the view to renovate Kuryk sports school.
Heating system has been installed in Kuryk sport complex and new indoor sport surfacing was installed in the new section of the sport complex.
Together with the Dara fund, the center of psychological and educational correction of children with development disturbances has been opened in Kuryk. The office uses the Montessori methods and is admitted to be among the best in the region as to its equipment. Today, 34 handicapped children live in Kuryk. Until now, these children have received correction assistance through the groups of short-time stay at psychological-medical-pedagogic consultation offices. Now, all these children with various development disturbances will visit the new center free of charge.
In the center, several specialists will work with each special child to provide skilled and comprehensive assistance. An educational psychologist will help to solve problems in the emotional and intellectual development, a special needs expert will assist in the development of a child's cognitive abilities. A visual impairment specialist and a speech therapist will work with vision and speech development problems. A physical therapy instructor, musical rhythmic teacher and massage nurse will help to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
ERSAI repaired the roof of school No.6 in the village of Kuryk, destroyed by a strong wind. New indoor sport surfacing was installed in Kuryk sport complex.
Our subcontractors supported the following sustainability initiatives:
Sport surfacing was installed in the elementary school of Kuryk village.
Preparation courses for National Testing Examination have been organized for all graduates of Kuryk village. New computers have been purchased for schools of Kuryk village. Financial support to the women support center in Kuryk village. Support in organization of sport events organized by Kuryk sport complex. Trees were planted at all Kuryk schools under environmental campaign.
ERSAI together with its subcontractor Saga Terminal Logistics LLC supported organization of summer internship for Kuryk school children. In the framework of the “Road to School” campaign, 50 schoolchildren received necessary school accessories by the partner of ERSAI – Batsha Kuan LLC. ERSAI Subcontractor – Cape Caspian LLC financially supported Zhiger Sport club of adults with special needs. Stamgazstroy company paid salary of temporary employed people of Kuryk village to do social work. Bolashak company, subcontractor of ERSAI, installed children playground equipment in Kuryk kindergarten “Bolashak”.
A gym for wrestlers of Greco-Roman style and free-style wrestling was built at the junior sports school in the village of Kuryk.
During year 2013 the following activities were carried out in the sphere of school and pre-school education in Kuryk village: Provision of kitchen equipment for school No.; purchasing of sport equipment to school No.6; purchasing of computers for schools and kindergartens. Installation of shower cabins in the sport section of school No.1. Construction of football fields for schools No.6 and 1. Refurbishment of the damaged roof of school No.6. Construction of playgrounds in Aygolek and Kulynshak kindergartens.
In the health sector: There were renovations in the old center of the hospital and the village of Kuryk in the polyclinic. Putting into operation medical waste incinerator at the central hospital of Kuryk village.
And other: Support for the football team of the club and assist in organizing the Cup of Akim. Opening of Women support center in Kuryk village together with the “Zhastar Zhetistikteri” Foundation Construction of children playgrounds in Kuryk village.
During 2012, the following events were held in the field of education in Kuryk village:
In the field of sports support:
In the health sector:
And other:
tough projects in safe hands
Republic of Kazakhstan, 050010, Almaty, Kazybek bi str. 41, Park Palace
Tel: +7 7272 508 251/52 (3000)
Republic of Kazakhstan, 130000, Aktau, Mangystau Region, 17 microdistrict, Building «22», Business Center «Urban»
Republic of Kazakhstan, 130300, Mangystau Region, Karakiya District, Kuryk village, ERSAI Caspian Yard, «Peschanyi» Cape
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